2021 LexisNexis “Workers’ Compensation Emerging Issues Analysis”
I just read a wonderful resource for anyone who has dealings with any aspect of workers’ compensation law. “Workers’ Compensation Emerging Issues Analysis”, the 2021 LexisNexis volume co-authored by Thomas A. Robinson and National Workers’ Compensation Defense Network member firms contains well-written articles on multiple topics in the workers’ compensation world. Thought-leaders from around the country have contributed articles addressing topics including recreational marijuana laws, opioid use, the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, and interpreters in the context of remote depositions and hearings. A large portion of the publication is dedicated to COVID-19 pandemic issues, and there is a wonderful article written by Professor Michael Duff that discusses presumptions and how they really work. One of my favorite parts of the volume is the Top Ten Bizarre Workers’ Comp Cases for 2020, contributed by Thomas A. Robinson. It details a revived tradition that began years ago when he used to meet with Dr. Arthur Larson in early January to trade stories of odd and unusual cases that they learned of over the past year.
In addition, there is a state-by-state legislative and case law section that spots emerging trends across the country and offers practical analysis of those trends and cases. This section is authored by the firms of the National Workers’ Compensation Defense Network, of which Verrill is the Maine member. If you are an insurer, attorney, adjuster, physician or any type of professional involved in workers’ compensation claims and the law, this publication is a useful and interesting read and will undoubtedly leave you better informed as you navigate the “emerging issues” in your State workers’ compensation system. For more information on this publication, please click here.
For more information, please contact Elizabeth Connellan Smith or another member of Verrill’s Employment and Labor Practice Group.