Getting good legal advice is a tough challenge for investor-backed startup companies. The entrepreneurs who run emerging companies have limited time and funds to devote to legal issues. Yet the legal problems faced by startups are often thorny and complex. A wrong move at the early stages can impose huge future costs, and might even threaten the viability of the business.
Our Business Law Group has served as a trusted advisor to countless startup companies over the years. Working with innovative entrepreneurs is a challenging part of our practice, but one that we value highly. Our firm is well-respected in several relevant specialties: corporate, securities, tax, patent, trademark, employment, executive compensation, and real estate, to name a few. We also offer the two qualities most in demand for young companies: judgment and experience.
We recognize that emerging companies are often cash-strapped and that the complexity of issues facing a startup company might exceed its presently available funding. We pride ourselves on maintaining flexibility. We are willing to work with companies to propose alternative fee arrangements that balance the company's needs and resources.