Maine DEP Seeks Public Comment on Proposed Changes to Hazardous Waste Rules
The Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has proposed changes to Chapters 850 (identification of hazardous wastes), 851 (standards for generators of hazardous waste), 852 (land disposal restrictions) and 858 (universal waste rules). The proposed changes, which were posted for public comment on February 21, incorporate new and revised federal regulations, update formatting of the rules, and reflect changes in Maine’s hazardous waste laws. The changes include additional exclusions of material from the definition of hazardous waste, including for used waste oil, scrap metal, and petroleum contaminated media. The changes also align Maine law with federal law to ensure that Maine retains its delegated authority to administer the federal hazardous waste program.
The deadline for public comment on the proposed changes is March 23, 2018.
Please contact me at [email protected] or fellow Verrill Dana environmental attorney Mat Todaro at [email protected] with any questions pertaining to the proposed changes.