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Work Together or Fend for Yourself: New Rules Aim to Reduce Nitrogen from Cape Cod’s Septic Systems and Watersheds

New rules issued by MassDEP offer Cape Codders a choice for controlling nitrogen pollution. The problem is well-understood. When too much discharged nitrogen reaches coastal waters, excess plant and algae growth replaces desirable ecosystems, such as eelgrass. Excess nitrogen causes eutrophication, an environmental problem, and an economic problem that...

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Proposes National Drinking Water Standard for Six PFAS Compounds

On March 14, 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) announced a proposed National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR) for six per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (“PFAS”). PFAS are a category of manufactured chemicals that have been widely used in a variety of industries and consumer products since the 1940s...

Maine PUC Asked to Fix “Leapfrogging” Problem Triggered by 2022 Changes to Maine’s Generator Interconnection Rule

The Maine Public Utilities Commission is currently considering whether to commence a formal emergency rulemaking process to amend Chapter 324 of its rules governing generator interconnections. The purpose of the rulemaking would be to correct a growing problem whereby smaller “Level 2” interconnection projects are able to “leapfrog” larger...

Verrill Partner Mat Todaro selected to serve on the American Bar Association’s Section on Environment, Energy, and Resources 2022 Fall Conference Planning Committee

Earlier this year, Verrill Partner Mat Todaro was selected by American Bar Association leadership to serve on the 2022 Fall Conference Planning Committee for its Section on Environment, Energy, and Resources. In this role, Mat led the development of a high-profile national panel discussing the latest regulatory and litigation...
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