ACTEC Annual Meeting: Professional Program, Seminar B: Vacation Property Overseas: Dream Come True or an Estate Planning Nightmare?

March 3, 2023 at 8:30am10:00am (CST)
Hilton New Orleans Riverside

New Orleans, Louisiana

Verrill partner Ruth Mattson will be presenting at the ACTEC's 2023 Annual Meeting on Friday, March 3, in New Orleans. Ruth will be co-presenting, Professional Program, Seminar B: Vacation Property Overseas: Dream Come True or an Estate Planning Nightmare?, with Amanda Stacey of Miller Thompson, Sonia Velasco of Cuatrecasas, and Emma-Jane Weider of Maurice Turnor Gardner.

Will your client’s overseas dream vacation property turn into a tax and estate planning nightmare? Should you title it in an LLC, a foreign company, a revocable trust? Can your client leave it to a spouse rather than children (forced heirship concerns)? What if the client spends too much time there and becomes tax resident? Are there trust reporting and beneficial ownership requirements? What are other considerations in such jurisdiction? How should you plan for a client’s overseas assets including situs wills, Brussels IV, etc.

This panel will look at selective popular jurisdictions (UK, Europe/Spain, and Canada) to address these questions and other issues relating to owning and dying with assets in foreign jurisdictions.

To learn more, or to register, please click here.