2017 Emera Distribution Rate Case
Verrill represented Emera in its 2017 distribution rate case before the Maine PUC, which included: defeating Staff's proposed reduction to allowed return on equity for "management inefficiency;" approval of new expenditures, such as an enhanced vegetation management program; and recovery of increased storm restoration and employee benefits costs.
Management Audit
Verrill represented Emera in its 2016 distribution rate case before the Maine PUC. The case involved issues relating to significant new capital investments, including Emera's new customer information system and a controversial substation investment. In the midst of the rate case, the Maine PUC ordered a formal management audit of Emera's customer service and transmission and distribution operations.
Natural Gas Rate Plan
Verrill represented Summit Natural Gas in securing Maine PUC approval of its alternative rate plan or ARP. The ten-year rate plan provided for annual rate adjustments during the course of the ARP, return-on-equity sharing provisions, authority to enter into special rate agreements without prior Commission approval, recovery of natural gas conversion rebate costs, and a service line installation policy and metrics. The ARP was part of a larger proceeding in which Summit obtained the Commission's approval to begin providing service in Maine despite the opposition of an existing Maine gas utility.
Rate Design
We represented Emera in a rate design case before the Maine PUC to determine whether local distribution rates should be adjusted to reflect seasonal variations in the cost of providing electric distribution service.
Rate Surcharge
Verrill represented a Maine utility in the negotiation of a temporary rate surcharge applicable to former ratepayers of an electric co-operative. The surcharge was designed to recover the incremental costs of the utility acquiring the co-operative and directly serving its former ratepayers.
Stranded Cost Rate Reconciliation
We represented Emera in multiple stranded cost reconciliation cases in which stranded cost revenues and expenses are reconciled annually with forecasted revenues and expenses.