Westport, Connecticut Welcomes a Novel New Bookstore
The Westport Book Shop just opened downtown of Westport, Connecticut, but does more than just sell used books. The bookstore is a partnership between the Westport Library and Westport Book Sales; the non-profit’s important missions are to raise funds for the library by running its book sales and hire adults with disabilities.
The 06880 Danwoog published an article about the bookstore and states, “the 5,000 or so books, in over 40 categories, come from donations to the annual book sales. There’s also a large selection of vinyl records, audio books, CDs and DVDs.” Click here for the full article and more details.
Verrill is part of the long list of founding donors towards this non-profit and we are proud to be a part of its missions. In addition to the firm’s donation of bookcases, attorney Cheryl Johnson and paralegal Brenda Pantalone helped with 501(c)(3) application on a pro bono basis, and attorneys Regina Flaherty and Tom Wilkeson helped with the space lease, also on a pro bono basis.