
Julia applies her strong background in legal research and passion for working with clients to her practice in Verrill’s Trial & Litigation Group.

During law school, Julia worked as a Student Advocate with the Compliance Policy Clinic, aiding two nonprofits in developing their internal compliance programs. She was also a member of the American Journal of Law and Medicine, where her note Synthetic Biology: State Regulation in the Biomedical Context was published in Volume 48, Issue 4.

Prior to attending law school, Julia worked in health policy and consumer engagement for a Boston-based health policy nonprofit. Her work focused on aiding nonprofit hospitals and health systems in developing their community and consumer engagement programs.

When not in the office, Julia enjoys spending as much time as possible outside, either hiking in the summer or skiing and snowshoeing in the winter.



  • Boston University School of Law  (J.D.)
    • Pro Bono Honors
  • Brown University  (B.A.)

Bar Admissions

  • Maine