
We have assisted many owners, and contractors in design and construction contracting including:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Investment Management Company on over a billion dollars in projects in Kendall Square area of Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Bowdoin College including Roux Center for the Environment, Museum of Art, Watson Arena, and Coles Tower renovations, among other projects.

Roman Catholic Diocese of Maine:

Multiple new building and renovation projects

Landry/French Construction:

Multiple projects including design build projects for Colby College in downtown Waterville, and State of Maine. We have also assisted Landry/French on many construction management contracts throughout the State of Maine.

Thompson's Point:

We have represented the developers of Portland's Thompson's point on multiple projects including the renovations of Brick North, and Brick South.

The Jackson Laboratory:

We advised JAX on its $80 million Phase Two expansion of its state of the art vivarium project in Ellsworth, Maine.