Verizon Wireless Proposes Cell Tower in Otisfield, ME
Verizon Wireless is seeking approval for a cell tower in Otisfield, Maine. On behalf of Verizon, attorney Scott Anderson filed the town application with Otisfield’s Planning Board in September of 2020.
On January 28, Sun Journal published an article, "Verizon Wireless seeks approval for proposed cell tower in Otisfield," explaining that two months after Scott's application, Verizon contracted with Airosmith Development to conduct a site plan review of the tower development. In this article, Scott is quoted describing the plan review and how Verizon is moving forward.
To view the full Sun Journal article, click here.
On March 18, Sun Journal published another article, "Otisfield Planning Board holds cell tower public hearing," explaining that on March 23, Otisfield residents will have the opportunity to comment or ask questions about Verizon Wireless' plans for its cell tower. Scott Anderson was quoted in this article, stating that "the tower could be constructed within 12 months of project approval." The planning board approved Verizon's application on February 23.
To view the full Sun Journal article, click here.