HR Power Hour with Heather Hansen
On this episode of HR Power Hour, join Verrill attorney Tawny Alvarez as she talks to Heather Hansen. This episode discusses how accent bias effects how individuals process information and make decisions, both in the work environment and in life generally.
Heather is the Founder of Global Speech Academy and author of Unmuted while helping multinational companies enhance collaboration, innovation, and inclusion across their global teams through greater understanding and stronger, more efficient communication policies. She is also an External Industry Expert for NUS Business School’s Executive Education programs where she runs modules on communication, presentation, and storytelling skills.
Hear Tawny and Heather discuss accent bias at work and steps decision-makers can take to minimize the adverse effects it has on your decision-making at work.
To listen to the full HR Power Hour segment, click here.
HR Power Hour airs on News Talk WLOB radio, presented by Career Management Associates and Verrill